Saturday, 12 December 2009 02:11

Two worldviews its impact and implications – Evolution or Creation
Evolution is a much-debated topic, very divisive, yet deals with the core of human origin. It is a very important subject and the human conscience demands right understanding. The impact the subject has on the higher learning establishment is alarming and many bright young people are the casualty of this indoctrination.
Basic assumptions of two important worldviews its impact and implications


1. The rejection of God. There is no designer or creative hand behind the world and what is in it.
2. The process of evolution proceeds from simple to complex.
3. Micro changes (variation within a type) can lead to macro changes (between types).
4. Man and other biological beings are placed in the same category.
5. Transitional series linking all categories.


1. God is the source of all life and the designer of the entire universe.
2. God created the biological world in full and complete form and gave the power to reproduce according to its type.
3. Micro changes present within a type do not lead to macro changes.
4. Man was made in the image of God and according to His likeness.
5. There are no transitional series linking the different categories, but a sudden appearance of each created type with complete characteristics.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth [Gen. 1:1]. Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou has understanding [Job 38:4]. God made profound statements in these verses of Scripture. He claims the originality of creation, and points out the obvious absence of humankind when He laid the foundation of the earth.

The origin question tends to provoke more violent controversy, wild theories, and wide disagreement than any other topic. There are many theories of the origin that have been postulated, but all can fit into a twofold classification: 1) creation, 2) speculation. The Bible states God is the origin of all things–precisely without apology.

Creation took the breath of God, Redemption took the blood of God’s Son

The God of Origin

The origin question tends to provoke more violent controversy, wild theories, and wide disagreement than any other topic. There are many theories of the origin that have been postulated, but all can fit into a twofold classification: 1) creation, 2) speculation. The Bible states God is the origin of all things–precisely without apology. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth [Gen. 1:1].Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou has understanding [Job 38:4]. God made profound statements in these verses of Scripture. He claims the originality of creation, and points out the obvious absence of humankind when He laid the foundation of the earth.

The God of Order

Very few will argue that the God of the Bible is also the God of order. He has order in His creation and his dealing with men. For example, let us look at the creation of light. God said, let there be light: and there was light.And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day [Gen. 1:3-5].
He is the God of order by creating light before creating living things.
Light is a pre-requisite energy source for living organisms to survive. Plants draw light energy and convert it into chemical energy.
It is the primary and non-renewable source of energy God created.
If living organisms were made first and light came later; the order of creation could not have been scientific. God could not be called the God of order.
Bible references clearly point to God as the God of order by creating light first.

The God of Diversity

God placed blessings and boundaries among His living creation. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind … And the great whales, every living creature that move in land and in water … the fowls of the air after his kind … And God blessed them, be fruitful, and multiply in the earth. [Gen.1:11, 21,22]. The diversity we see in the animal and plant kingdom is very well summed up in these verses in Genesis. To reproduce according to its kind was a part of God’s blessing to His living creation. Human attempts to modify God’s designed procreation principle meets with restraint – because this was not God’s original idea. The scientific naming of living things (binomial nomenclature) has been modified many times over confirms modern science still has problem.

The God of Design

Man is fearfully and wonderfully made [Psalm 139:14]. The intricate design of God can be observed in the human development. Individual phenotype is genetically pre-programmed at the time of conception. There are about 200 genes and 100,000 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) units that govern bacterial structure and function. In contrast, there are about 80,000 genes and 3 billion DNA units in humans. During the process of human development the genes are turned on at different stages to complete the process. This is a tightly regulated and precise process that must be error free with nothing left to chance. Any mistakes that occur may result in the abnormal development of the baby, even to spontaneous abortion of the child. Perpetuation of each type of organism comes by the process of reproduction. Reproduction involves the transmission of genetic information called DNA. DNA codes govern the structure and function of the organism. DNA ensures that cows always give birth to calves – never to cats or rose bushes. Another example of the mystery of life is the blood. There are some important facts about the blood. “The life of the flesh is in the blood” [Lev. 17:11].
Blood sustains biological life.
Medical science has failed to provide a substitute
Blood is the only medium that touches every cell in the body.
The very life-blood of Jesus was shed to atone life.
The sin of the mind has been taken care of by the blood.
Jesus’ blood was the only perfect blood to atone for all sins.
The life giving blood is pumped through an incredible machine – the heart. It pumps 2000 gallons of blood each day. It is the world’s most efficient pump that works continuously for 65 years without any break or shut down. It beats 70 times per minute and 36 million times per year. The blood is transported through 60,000 miles of vessels and delivers to about 60 trillion customers (cells). That this highly organized, incredible machine came by chance is ludicrous.

The God of Life

Jesus taught the power of a resurrected life using the germination of seeds. “… Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and die, it abided alone: but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit” [John 12:24].
The seed is made of two important parts: embryo and endosperm. It is the product of pollination and fertilization. In germination the embryo will develop and give rise to new life while the endosperm supports the embryo by supplying nutrition. The endosperm dies in the process as it gives life to the tiny life formed by the embryo. Jesus took the scientific truth of seed germination and explained the mystery of His own resurrection. He gave His life a ransom for many. By dying He gave life; by rising from the dead by His own power He gives us hope and eternal life.

Dr. Chong Singsit

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